Middle Manager Accelerator™

Growing your middle manager layer is the most important investment you can make in your people. Middle managers have the greatest impact on the execution of your strategy, the strength of your culture, and the performance and development of your people.

In high growth companies, middle managers are frequently the result of battlefield promotions and often not ready to lead. The Middle Manager Accelerator™ rapidly transforms struggling middle managers into effective mid-level leaders.

What is it?

The Middle Manager Accelerator™ is a customized, six-month cohort based academy that significantly accelerates the performance of struggling middle managers.

Customized to support your business goals, the Accelerator creates sustained improvement in the skills your business needs most. Utilizing real life assignments, accountability, peer support, expert mentorship, and performance metrics, the Accelerator creates lasting results.

What is the value?

In high growth companies, business moves too fast and expectations are too great for managers to not be effective. Learning on the job takes too long, and most leadership development efforts don’t stick.

The Accelerator measurably moves the needle – quickly. Managers develop the mindsets needed to be an effective leader. With this foundation, managers develop the ability and confidence with the specific behaviors most important for your company at your current stage of growth.

It’s not a training program. It is a path to learn, develop, and practice leadership behaviors so they stick. By using cohorts, the Accelerator creates critical mass, momentum, and accountability to resist reverting back to old habits.

What’s the process?

The Middle Manager Accelerator™ uses multiple methods to develop the leadership behaviors your company needs most in a way that is lasting and doesn’t fade away after a few weeks.

BUSINESS FOCUSED: At the end of the day, leadership development that does not help leaders accomplish the organization’s goals is not of much value to an organization.

SELF AWARENESS: Feedback, directed reflection, and research based assessments allow leaders to identify their strengths, challenges, gaps, and leadership styles. 

MULTIPLE LEARNING MODALITIES: The Accelerator combines interactive instruction with hands-on practice in the sessions and real-life assignments to apply the skills, behaviors, and mindsets being taught.

EXECUTIVE COACHING: The interactive and application-focused sessions are supplemented by executive coaches who debrief experiences and explore more effective approaches. Coaches partner with leaders to help them gain clarity, confidence, and a clear path forward to being an effective leader.

ACCOUNTABILITY AND SUPPORT: Peer groups are formed within the cohort to provide both support and accountability outside of the sessions. Group coaching sessions and homework assignments offer additional support and accountability. All participants have access to resources selected to reinforce the desired skills, behaviors, and mindsets. Executive coaches are available between sessions when urgent support is needed.

MEASURED PROGRESS: As all of the pieces come together to accelerate leaders’ development, their progress is measured objectively through feedback from stakeholders. Stakeholders are asked specifically about changes in performance.

“The experience of working with PeopleCap has been amazing. I now think of my role as a CEO as growing into a Chief Leadership Officer. My “super power” will be setting in place the right team, environment, guidance and resources for great things to happen.”

Darren Schulte

CEO, Apixio

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